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 (SS) La vieille technicienne qui fait de la magie

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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

(SS) La vieille technicienne qui fait de la magie Empty
MessageSujet: (SS) La vieille technicienne qui fait de la magie   (SS) La vieille technicienne qui fait de la magie Icon_minitimeDim 26 Nov - 21:52

She went to a cupboard and rumaged in it, taking out something wrapped in a length of the insulating silk. Before her on the table she placed a small wicker-wood frame, then carefully untwisting the silks, she laid something in the frame. It was a small matrix...Small lights played in it; Kerwin looking at them felt sick and neauseated. The woman looked into her own matric, then into kerwin's, rose, stirred the brazier again so that clouds of the choking smoke rose, and kerwin's head began to swim....
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