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 matrice piège (FN)

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Nombre de messages : 104
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

matrice piège (FN) Empty
MessageSujet: matrice piège (FN)   matrice piège (FN) Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep - 19:32

He'd been drilled in illegal matrices like every other student...how to recognize them and handle them safely until a circle working under strict controls could destroy them...

A trap matrix could also have legitimate uses, such as the veil at Hali, which permited only those of true comyn blood to pass within.

...was that he'd made one designed to key into a specific person, one which would freeze all movement...event the beating of a man's heart.

Something that focused can't be kept hiddent for long. One of the big Towers - Hali or arilinn -would surely pick it up on their sdreens.
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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

matrice piège (FN) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matrice piège (FN)   matrice piège (FN) Icon_minitimeMar 26 Déc - 14:38

Coryn tente de trouver un moyen pour contrer le feuglu and co et pense à une matrice piège mais cela ne va pas sans risques...

...there always remained a residue, a vibration signature...Those laran traces could then become our detonator, as well as the target our defense will focus on.

I wonder if the principles underlying a trap-matrix might not be used for the trigger....A trap-matrix is keyed to the mental signature of a specific individual, which is why they have so few usages which are not illegal.

But it's activated by whatever it's keyed to. The Veil of Arilinn involves a trap matrix attuned to the presence of laran, not any particular person. We could design one to be so broad as to respond to any trace of laran or so narrow that only a certain weapon or a certain origin would set it off.
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