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Le deal à ne pas rater :
Smartphone 6.36 ” Xiaomi 14 (12 Go / 256 Go
641 € 719 €
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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

animaux Empty
MessageSujet: animaux   animaux Icon_minitimeMer 6 Sep - 15:51

Les fourmis scorpions:

a small crushed thing, less than two inches long, with a curved tail. Like a scorpion and a wicked fang at the front; it was bright orange and green in colour.
>powerful nerve poison: cœur ralentit, breathed depressed

Les banshees

there was a high, eerie scream, a long wailing cry that seemed to freeze the very marrow of his bones…It was a shrill, ululating cry that went on higher and higher, into what seemed like ultra sonics…some kind of bird…Maybe it uses that sound to paralyze its prey…If I were on Earth-
well, my people were Irish, and I'd imagine the old Arran banshee had come to carry me off! (PLV)

Then very far away, lifting and raising in long eerie wail, a shrill banshee scream that grew in intensity until his ears vibrated sheer torture of the noise.
They can track anything that lives and they'll scent our body warmth.
They run like the wind. They're probably tracking by my clothing smell (ED)

A long dark neck and a skull like head, great phosphorescent red glowing beak. Birds. Huge things – taller than a tall man, with long trailing thin wings – they can’t fly. Their claws could rip your guts out at a stroke.
They’re a blind and normally they live in the mountain snows, and can scent anything warm that moves (p.128ED)

Remarque: Cyrillon des Trailles a réussi à les apprivoiser

Zandru alone knows how Cyrillon and his hordes managed to train those devilish things.

Effets de leurs cris:

...Larry felt he must scream with the noise that vibrated his eardrums and went rolling around in his skull until there was no room for anything but pulsing agony


animal vivant en troupeau; de la taille de petits poneys

little sparks with strangers (ED)
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