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forum de discussion en vue de la création d'un jdr basé sur Darkover de MZB
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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Arilinn Empty
MessageSujet: Arilinn   Arilinn Icon_minitimeMar 26 Déc - 21:47

Dans "Zandru's forge"

polished granite interspersed with translucent blue stone formed the floor and two walls. They shaped and pieced together so artfully that not a blade of grass or tendril of ivy rooted there...

At the far end, the graceful sweep of arch enclosed the rainbow-hued Veil through which only those of pure comyn blood, the caste of Darkovan aristocracy Gifted with psychic powers, could pass. In the dawn's oblique light, the Veil resembled a waterfall of coruscating rainbow colors.
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