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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Les relais   Les relais Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Déc - 20:25

Selon FN:

Like everyone else in the Tower, Coryn took his turn at the laran relays, sending and receiving messages from other Towers.
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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Les relais Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les relais   Les relais Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Déc - 21:53

exemple d'utilisation (FN)

...bringing his mind to focus on the screen before him. It was active, the lattices tuned to Amalie's clear, almost geometric thought pattern. Subtly, he shifted them to his own and felt himself rise into the moony radiance. He always thought of contact along the relays as swimming through a sea of light. Ripples of brilliance and shadow passed over him. Elongating himself like a sea creature, he plunged through cross currents of shivery cold, moveng ever deeper. Music vibrated through him, the deep-throated resonant calls of mythic beast. Light faded, colors muting to blues and purples, finally to inky shadows. Vision dimmed as he dripped into rapprort.

Coryn, are you there? Words touched him like the brush of a falcon's wings. The sea fell away, and Coryn floated in a crystalline sky, surrounded by the mental presence of his friend.
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