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 Hidden City

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Nombre de messages : 104
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Hidden City Empty
MessageSujet: Hidden City   Hidden City Icon_minitimeDim 3 Déc - 22:56

Between the twin peaks, within an easy ride from Arilinn itself lay the Hidden city, visible only as a swathe of blue-tinted whiteness, its very contours obscured by a permanent cloudlike mist. It was the Comyn Council would meet, behind gates set with a matric lock which only a keeper could open. Her uncle had explained to her that over the centuries, since before the Ages of Chaos, it had been used as a place of refuger by the Comyn.

...the Keeper of Arilinn led them to the gates of the Hidden City...Fog closed around them and for a moment, she could see no farther than the length of her arm. Energy currents swirled around her....the mists parted and they faced a stone wall pierced here and there with mullioned windows which glowed dimly blue by a single pair of gates....

Taniquel caught a glimpse of a garden courtyard....cobbled lanes between buildings which might have been dormitories or warehouses, all leading to a central hall. A pair of cralmacs scuried by, covered baskets in their tiny furred hands, and Taniquel remembered that no human servants were permited within the walls.
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