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 Tour de Neskaya (FN)

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2 participants


Nombre de messages : 104
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

Tour de Neskaya (FN) Empty
MessageSujet: Tour de Neskaya (FN)   Tour de Neskaya (FN) Icon_minitimeSam 2 Déc - 18:51

The details of the Tower became clear as he approached, the grace of its lines, the superb laran workmanship of the fitting stones, the arched entrance, the windows to catch winter sun.

The front doors, ashleaf wood polished to a high golden gloss, had been thrown open...
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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tour de Neskaya (FN) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tour de Neskaya (FN)   Tour de Neskaya (FN) Icon_minitimeMar 5 Déc - 0:06

p. 147 The fall of Neskaya

Neskaya was bound historicaly to Ridenow and now after Allart Hastur's peace, to Hastur.

Neskaya est rattachée historiquement aux Ridenow et maintenant, après la paix d'Allart Hastur, aux hastur...
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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tour de Neskaya (FN) Empty
MessageSujet: p. 306 Fall of Neskaya   Tour de Neskaya (FN) Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Déc - 20:19

...Cormac, the matric technician who'd first welcomed him and then dubbed him the other Cor of Neskaya....
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Nombre de messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tour de Neskaya (FN) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tour de Neskaya (FN)   Tour de Neskaya (FN) Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Déc - 20:30

At Neskaya, the chamber housing the relay screens was set apart in its own tower to isolate communications from the stray mental energies generated by other projects. Chill radiated, old beyond imagining, constructed of fine-grained granite rather than the translucent blue stone of the central tower.

At Neskaya, the relay screens sat on low tables, so that the workers did not need to crouch, but could sit on padded bencher. A small coal brazier, its smoke contained by a heatpermeable laran shield, filled the room with gentle warm.
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